Sunday, July 24, 2011

Laughter In The Rain

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons. ~Author Unknown

Today I did something that I haven’t done in a long time. I played in the rain… One may say “so what” … well it was a big thing and I was playing with 2 of the most important people in the world to me. Little McKenna and I were chasing after Noah in the back yard. To hold little McKenna and to hear her laugh in your ear… it’s the closest thing this side of Heaven to Angels singing as for as I’m concerned and little Noah running as screaming only as a little boy can do. I must say I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed a workout more.

I can’t think of anything that warms my heart more than when McKenna sees me and holds those little arms out to me. That’s a love like none other. I want my grandchildren to have memories like I have from my childhood. Going to see Granny and Grandpaw was always a big treat even thro I got to see them all the time. Grandpaw was always ready to so fun things with and take us to real fun places… No not to Disney World or even Walmart… we would go to old stores and he would tell us to get what ever kind of candy we wanted, or we would explore an old abandoned school, or we would just ride the old county back roads.

This is how I want to be remembered… as a Paw Paw that was fun and one that loved them and wasn’t afraid to let them know it. I hope someday they will sit and tell their grandkids about the adventures we had the places we went. If they can do that then I think my time here on Earth will have been well spent.

Today I enjoy listening to Melissa telling about the summers she spent with Mom and Dad and how much she enjoyed it. Each time I hear her telling those stories it makes me smile and it keeps Dad alive in my heart.
Childhood… it goes so fast – TO FAST

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