Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there. ~ Joss Whedon
It’s been a long time I know… for some reason I just haven’t been able to write. I think about it, but I just can’t sit down and do it. Maybe soon I can get back in to it.
It’s been just over two years now that Dad passed away. This morning when I called Mom she was talking about him a lot. She realizes now how Dad’s last couple of years must have been. Today she told me that Dad had to be lonely there at the house every day while she worked. Dad had gotten were it hard for him to get around and he couldn’t go out in the yard, couldn’t drive anymore so all he had to do was watch tv, take care of his little dog, Newly, and watch the birds at the feeder. He always enjoyed telling me about his birds and now when I go up to see Mom I like to sit in his chair and watch “his” birds. A funny thing happened not long ago. Mom had to talk Dad’s little dog to the vet . When the vet asked what the dogs name was Mom said, “Charles named her Newly, but I don’t know where he come up with the name”. When I went up to see Mom a couple of weeks ago she told me that she and Gene had figured out where Dad got the name Newly from, he had gotten it from watching Gunsmoke. All those years and Mom and my brother didn’t know that … guess I knew Dad on a different level or maybe I’m a lot like him. He loved Gunsmoke and it wasn’t long after Dad passed away that “Marshal Matt Dillon’ passed. It’s my hope that heaven is as real as we think and people like my Dad can talk to the ‘Marshal Matt Dillon’s’ that we looked up to. To say I miss Dad is an understatement… the old house just isn’t the same and Mom is now left alone and even thro she tries to fight off the loneness, I can hear it in her voice when I call her. Yes loneness is a frightening feeling.
My new grandbaby, Mari Caroline, will be six weeks old tomorrow.