Saturday, April 24, 2010

Feeling good about Work

'Precious Memories --- How they linger ever near me"

Everyone that knows me, knows how I worry about my work.  I'm always going back over it picking it apart.  I see things that just worry me to death that others tell me they never saw. 

Having said that.... awhile back someone got in touch with me and asked if I would do some family pictures for her.  This was one of  those I didn't have a clue about.  They had seem my work on Facebook and liked it and wanted ME to do family pictures for them.  Well you know I jumped at the chance to be out shooting. 

I had told her what I would do and how she could order more prints all of  that and made a date.  I wish someone could tell me why I can go shoot a wedding and never think a thing about it.. (I have one shot to do it), but when I do something like this I'm so nervous... haha

Later, after I had given her the prints I got this text message: ' We are so appreciate being able to get great quality pictures at a price we can swing. We so seldom have them made cuz of price. It also makes such a difference knowing there is a heart behind them not some overpriced studio with someone three just watching the clock. We really appreciate it!'

I know at some point and time I'll have to change my way of doing business, but for now I'm going to carry on as I'm doing now.  Here was a young family with young kids that wanted pictures for their family their parents and Grandparents.   What if I charged big fees and only sold one or 2 prints and there were others they wanted but couldn't afford... I want my people to be happy and be able to hang prints all over their house from our shoot.  I just don't want to be labeled as cheap.. there's nothing cheap about my work.  I set Q/A very high.  It's ture my work may never grace the cover of some magazine, but if they can feel a home with precious memories I've done something no magazine cover can ever do.  This is my goal for my business.  I feel if I can do this everything else will just fall in line... 

I hope in a couple of years I can look back at this post and smile and say 'I've done what I've set out to do'.