Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas - I feel you

I feel you Christmas
I know I've found you
You never fade away
The joy of Christmas
Stays here inside us
Fills each and every heart with love

Faith Hill
Where are You Christmas
It's something how God gets his message through to us. This morning I had a reality check. I was reading a message from a Grandmother talking about getting to bring her new Grandson home from the hospital. Having being born to early his little life was touch and go for a while and for months the only world he knew was that of Doctors and Nurses. It made me think of Noah's first Christmas last year and how happy I was to have him home and out of the hospital.

We all have our special Christmas past I know. I've got a couple that I hold close to my heart. One Christmas that was so special was when Melissa was very young. Times were hard and money for Christmas was something we really didn't have, but we were going to make sure Melissa had a Christmas. Here again God came through for us. The apartments we were living in needed some work done. We worked in an off and on rain to earn Christmas money. That is one Christmas that I'll always remember and as I look back that was one of the best Christmas' I remember.

Another Christmas that stands out was when the house we were renting burned. It was just a couple of weeks before Christmas. We lost pretty much everything, but people come from all over to help us. Our church just couldn't do enough for us. This wasn't the best Christmas for us, because of the fire, but yet it was good because of the people that showed us they carried... They didn't talk about Christmas they demonstrated Christmas.

So five days from Christmas let's not talk Christmas lets demonstrate Christmas. If it's nothing more than opening the door for someone or maybe just a warn smile and kind word. But let’s not stop six days from today... Let’s keep Christmas in our hearts all year.

I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope the New Year brings us new and bigger opportunities.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Yesterday I saw these two planes flying over and it came to me that this is kinda how I feel, like lines that do not intersect or meet. The kids are grown now and they have their own roads to travel. Don't get me wrong... I'm so proud and glad for them only want the best for them.

I guess it has a lot to do with the time of year also. It's like every year at this time something happens that causes me to worry. Well this year is no different. I guess as we get older the more we worry and the more we look for things to worry about. What can we do?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Into the Shadow

Good morning.... Here we are just a week away from Christmas Eve. I bet Old Santa is getting his last minute changes in on little girls and boys that he had gotten bad reports earlier in the year. I sure hope he's changing the status to GOOD. I know I've put in a good word for Gage and Noah... and as for their Mom and Dad.. well I'm going to give them a thumbs up also. hahaha

Into the Shadow... this came about because this is kinda how I feel. I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just like I kinda live in the shadows, just on the verge of being the photographer I want others to see me as. I've looked at hundreds of images and mine are just as good, yet I want take the next step to move forward. I stay in the shadow just out of the light of what I could be and I do not know why.

I try to look at things with a little different view. When I'm shooting for a client, myself, or as a second shooter I'm always looking for that one spark of emotion. I'm always watching for the shot that in time will remind people of a time and place that was so dear to them and will bring a tear of joy to their eyes. To me this is what photography is all about. Stopping time for one fleeting second and being able to relive it years later.

I am so lucky to have friends in the business that are willing to help me and other friends that encourage to move forward. To all of you I say THANK YOU.