Friday, December 26, 2008

Just a Memory Now

Christmas 2008 is now just a footnote in our life. I hope there's something about yesterday that will live on within us for the rest of our days. I got to be with the kids and play with Gage and Noah. I may not remember everything about yesterday but I will always remember the feeling of being with family.

Melissa said Gage was so excited over the camera Santa brought him. He, Gage, sat beside me and showed me all the pictures he had made yesterday morning. What a joy maybe, just maybe I can instill just a small piece of my love for photography in him and as he grows we can share the joys together.

Talking about photography, the picture today was shot yesterday about 3pm down on the Pascagoula Beach pier. The fog was so heavy as you can tell you can't see past the end of the pier. Made for some very unusual pictures, well I think so anyway.

I saved the WII for Mary to open yesterday morning over here. She was so excited. I think she had more fun watching me than playing it herself. Melissa, Jonathan, Gage, and Noah came over yesterday afternoon and played. Gage was good at it. Melissa tried to play, but the boys want let her do much. Every time she would try to play one of them would start up. No matter had hard Jonathan tires the worse they cry for Melissa. I know it's hard for her to think now, but in no time they will be grown.

I'm about to get ready to go see Mom and Dad for a couple of days. I enjoy being there but I hate the trip. I just got where I don't like to ride.. well this isn't totally true... I just hate the trip having to drive alone.

Well I think Christmas 2008 was great. We were all well... and this is the greatest gift we could wish for. I hope you can say 'I enjoyed Christmas 2008' also.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning 2008

This is how Christmas Morning 2008 looks out of my back door this morning. There's a heavy fog over the lake this morning and that only helps add to the to silence this morning. I couldn't sleep this morning for thinking back on Christmas pass... I can still hear Melissa easing into the bedroom to tell us Santa had come and wanting to wake up Lauren and Mary. Was it really so long ago? I sit here this morning about the same time they used to get up to check on Santa... The old walls still echo the sounds of Christmas past for me... I can hear the sounds of paper being torn, the little high voice of delight from that one special present Santa left. All just memories of another time a time that I will always hold dear.

Yesterday I got to experience a little of that child wonder with Gage. I was showing him the Santa Tracking website and his little eyes were bright with excitement. Oh to have that feeling once again and for a moment I felt that child wonder and enthusiasm.

Now this morning with just Lucy sitting here with me it's kinda a let down. I want more than anything to feel something other than what I feel. I'm feeling what I hear... do you hear it... it's the sound of silence --- the absence of sound--- and how loud it it here this morning.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
John Lennon

Here it is Christmas Eve 2008, looking back all I can say 'is where did the year go?'. It's been a good year I would say. Lauren and Lane got married.. (I spent a lot of money), Mary was excited about turning 18 this year and Melissa finished her BSN at USM. Noah started walking and Gage starting spending the night with GeeGee on Friday nights. As for me, my photography work did ok. I didn't get rich, but I was able to pay for my gas to and from the few shoots I had. Over all I think I made a few families happy with my work. I was asked for some of my work to be given to 2 libraries to be put on display. I can't tell you how this made Mom feel and to me that was worth more to me than anything. Things at work this past year has been pretty good, Chip and Toni moved into our section. This was something I had been pushing for, for sometime. On another note there was also some sad moments at work this past year. Just weeks before Claudia and Jim were to take their family on an Alaskan cruise there daughter-in-law was dx with cancer. This put a whole other twist to the trip for the rest of the family, but they did go and for the most part had a good time. Now come December 31, 2008, Claudia is going to retire for good to go home and attend to her parents. I've worked with Claudia for the 32 1/2 years I've been with the hospital system. We've going to miss her.

Well I just checked the NORAD tracking site and sure enough Old Santa is out and about already. At 6:00am our time this morning the he is in Luganville, Vanuata.. in other words along way away from here yet.

I remember when I was small we would be watching TV on Christmas Eve and about 6pm the local channel would have what looked like a break into the show and give an update on where Santa was. I remember being so excited. To have that child like wonder once again. I guess in a way I can have it again, through the grandchildren and oh how much fun it is. Now that I think about it. it may be more fun being PawPaw and seeing Santa, because in a way I can help insure Santa is real and help teach them what Christmas is really about.

So this is Christmas And what have you done... well John Lennon... I've done a lot. I've laughed, I've cried, I've glimpsed world through the eyes of a 4 year old, I've felt the unconditional love of my grandsons... John Lennon what more could a person want?

Oh yes, the picture for today is my other little grandson... hahaha --- This is Brody, Lauren and Lane's baby. We did this shoot Monday night while I was over there. I for on know how Lauren and Lane feel about Brody because when Ginger and I got married we got a little dog and named her Shanna. Where ever we went Shanna went also. When Melissa was born Melissa and Shanna fought all the time.. Shanna just didn't like not being the baby.

Well I'm going to go for now. Later on today I may post notes to Gage and Noah about where Santa is... but just in case---