Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Needing to be loved on

To me, Lucy and Cody, are like my kids. They don't like it when I leave for work every morning, but they so excited when I get home every afternoon.
Lucy is kinda like me, middle aged now and just likes to take it easy... very laid back now. Cody still has a lot of puppy in him and is very playful and demands a lot of attention. Lucy just takes it all in stride.
Yesterday was a long day at work and I really didn't feel like being on Facebook much, so I went in the living room to watch TV. Cody was off doing what ever Cody does... but Lucy followed me as always. I picked her up and sat her by me and petted and loved on her.
I think at times we lose sight of the little simple things in life... this little simple act not only made Lucy feel good, but it made me feel good also... The act of caring for another living thing should always make us feel good.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Old Lion is at rest

Sen. Edward M. Kennedy was laid to rest yesterday after almost 50 years in the Senate. I felt bad for his family. Losing someone is never an easy thing to go thru.

Almost fifty years in office... this shouldn't happen. If the President can only hold office for 8 why should these people be allowed to die in office. I feel like 12 years should be long enough for them.. this would give them 1 1/2 presidents.

Most people in office, like Kennedy, has never had to work for a living they have no idea how it feels to live from paycheck to paycheck to put your kids thru school. Yet they are very fast to get laws passed that tax the working people so those that chose not to work can be cared for...

I feel like it's time that the "Kennedy's" in office are sent home and new blood in brought in with the understanding-- 'you are here but for a short time'. This lust and greed for power is killing us the working people. Our so call leaders -- local, state, and national--- all lead by 'do as I say, not as I do'.... I hope I'm wrong, but I bet everyone of them is willing to sell their souls to stay in office... Special interest groups with deep pockets... buy them... then they come home bragging about what a good job they did... yet because of their bargain with the devil 100's will lost their jobs... and because they did work guess what.. there's no help for them.. oh Mr. Jones I see here you made over $12,000 this year... never mind you had doctor bills, hospital bills and the likes... that YOU, Mr Jones paid out of pocket, we can't help you.... what's right about that??

We've teaching people what?? Why work... the Kennedy's in office will take care of us... all we'll have to do is cry a little louder..

I feel like it's time the crying stops... you know I cry every time I get a paycheck and see that 35% or better is gone before I ever see it... I really don't like the idea of people living the good life off my hard work.. .

What do we do?? I'm going to keep doing what I've been doing.. .VOTING... it's only one vote, but I feel like with that one vote I have the right to complain and voice my feelings.