Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Day - New Light

Yes, it's the moon as it's nights journey was almost done. I like to post pictures of something I've seem the day of the post or at least something I saw the prior day. This was shot this morning at 5:30am..

You'll just don't know how zany I can be. hahaha .... I enjoy seeing the world around me through the lens of my Canon cameras and even more, I enjoy sharing my vision of my little part of the world with others.

Yesterday was one of those days one wishes had never happened. I just felt as thro the whole world was just falling down on me. Today is a new day and my walls have been re-built... stronger and taller. I will not be defeated.

This time next week I'll be up cooking part of a Thanksgiving dinner and I've got so much to be thankful for this year. Noah has been well for most of this year.. last year (his first months of life) I was so worried about him. In and out of the hospital so much. He's growing so much and one of the best things is that he loves his PawPaw and PawPaw loves him. Gage is doing well, he likes to color and when he and I sit down to color together I'm reminded of the times when I was very young and my Granny Lee and I would sit by the fireplace and color. Very simple things that ment so much to me back then ... now I get to carry the legacy forward to my grandkids. How much better can it get?

FedEx dropped off a gift from Santa last night.. I just hope Mary still believes in the Old Fellow... I sure would hate to keep if for myself... I don't know that I could even use if given the color she asked Stanta for.. hahahha (hot pink)..

Well I've got to get a move on ... I've got a desk load of work to do today, because after today I want be back until Dec 1..... what on Earth am I going to do being off a week like that...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grandkids -- A Funny

Before I forget and this little funny and it is lost forever I wanted to write it down.

Friday night, at Jonathan's birthday party, Jonathan was telling me about Gage getting into trouble and having to stand in the corner.

Jonathan told me it upset Noah and that Noah went back there where Gage was and patted him on the back, then went and stood in the other corner.

What ever Gage does Noah does... and they pretty much never let each other out of sight. These little boys are just something... I hope they will always be as close as there are now for every.

This picture of Melissa, Gage, and Noah was taken by Jonathan while they were at Disney World. I can't believe I don't have a picture of both boys together. I've got to do something about that...

Well, it's not as cold as it was yesterday at this time... the morning sky is clear and there's a big half moon looking down over us this morning... and I've got to get a move on so I can get to work...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Santa has been Shipped

It's pretty cool outside this afternoon so I've posted a picture I shot back during the summer to try to make me feel warmer. Well I had to try anyway.

Wow.. I just let Lucy out and the sky has such a pretty, different color to it this afternoon. It has a blue / pink hue. I've never really seen it look like this. I tried to get a picture and we'll see how it turns out.

Had the kids for lunch yeserday... well all of them but Lauren and Lane. His Mom wanted them to come over and eat with them. While we were eating Lauren called and told me that someone had cut the locks on Lanes lawn equipment and taken all but the real big stuff. I have nothing for people that does something like that... I can think of nothing to bad for them.

Today I got to eat with Lauren and Melissa... Little things like that just makes my day. The girls are something that's for sure.

When I got home I had an e-mail letting me know that Mary's Christmas had been shipped and it should be here by the end of the week.. I hope she will like it.. Ole Santa tries...

Well I'm going to get moving here .. this picture doesn't do justice to what I saw about 15 minutes ago, but you get some idea of what I was talking about.

Sunday, November 16, 2008



Went to the Renaissance fair yesterday and I'm afraid I was somewhat disappointed. It wasn't as big as I was expecting and there weren't as many actors as I was hoping. Guess I was expecting something like the old Fall Muster at Beauvoir where Confederate Soldiers had camps set up everywhere and ladies in period dress and Confederate soldiers walked the grounds. There were a few of this yesterday, but nothing like what I was looking for.

I enjoyed the jousting because it was done at speed. The fencing was done very slow so people could see the moves and this was very boring. It would have been much better if they had done this once or may twice and then have them fencing at speed. I'm afraid I didn't like this part of the show.
There were a lot of people there yesterday and I'm glad I went. Not sure I'll go back again. After going I don't think it's my period of time. The Civil War period is more the time period I enjoy or maybe it was the friends I made when I was a part of the reenactments.

Here's a couple more pictures from yesterday...