Ole Miss students vote to replace Colonel Reb
2/23/2010, 5:53 p.m. CST
SHELIA BYRDThe Associated Press
(AP) — JACKSON, Miss. - University of Mississippi students voted Tuesday for the school to pursue a new mascot to replace Colonel Reb, the goateed Southern gent banished from the sidelines nearly seven years ago as the school continued its move away from symbols of the Old South.
The university has taken other steps in recent years to throw off what many perceive as lingering reminders of a Confederate past. Last year, the band stopped playing the fight song, "From Dixie With Love," to discourage fans from chanting, "the South will rise again." In 1997, the school ended the waving of Confederate flags at sporting events.
-- -- When we show our pride in our HERITAGE it's called RACISM... I bet very few of you have have heard of the University Grays.. we can't teach this in school anymore...
"I think the older generations need to stop pressing their feelings about race and what happened in the past on those of us who weren't even alive then," Loy said....
--- BY GOD THERE'S SOME THAT DON'T WANT TO FORGET THE PASS AND THROW IT UP EVERY TIME THEY WANT SOMETHING... my great great great great granddaddy so mistreated .... now TODAY you own ME something because of what HE went thru... I guess this is ok for THEM.... BULL SH&$..... what's goes for one should go for ALL....
I think the new mascot sould be a jackass... it would be fitting