Friday, September 12, 2008

Pascagoula feels IKE

Most people would look at this and say 'It's just a wave breaking'... well that's right, but the thing is here in Pascagoula we don't have waves... The islands just off shore protect us from most wave action. This was shoot late yesterday afternoon. The Beach front road was closed so we had to come in the back way and park at the Beach Park and walk down the beach line.

Melissa and the boys came down and we walked out on the peir... the wind gust out there was something.. Gage and Noah just loved it.

Little Noah didn't know what to think about all the wind.. but he loved it blowing his hair.

I guess we all kinda enjoyed seeing the waves and wind. I sure feel for Texas. I've heard they could have a strom surge of 30 feet. The wind you can kinda prepair for, but the water there's nothing we can do.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Another Great Day

Thursday morning sunrise...

Another week has almost gone by. Last weekend I was worried that Ike was going to hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast, but it's looking like he may be going into Texas... I just feel for them over there.

It's been 7 years now since the 9/11 attack... but I can remember it as if it was yesterday. We were all standing around the TV in the conference room watching the news about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center when we saw the second plane crash into the building and then we watched as the building fell. 7 years... my times goes by so fast.

Well if nothing happens I plan on doing some bridle pictures for Lauren tomorrow. I'm kinda afraid that Ike is going to bring a lot of rain in here oh and we may not get to do it... We'll just have to wait and see..

Oh yeah... i got my pictures in I ordered for the Prentiss Library... Mom works there part time and the lady that runs the library has been after Mom to get me to give them some pictures to hang... I guess it's the small town boy makes big kind of thing... (yeah right)

Well I guess I better get a move on and get to work... I need a studio and a lot of business so I want have to work at the hospital any more... hahaha

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Dear Jane,
I stopped by for a short visit Saturday. My brother Gene was with me so I couldn't stay long. I know you being the younger sister wouldn't know about little brothers would ya... hahaha... I can't have him thinking I'm to crazy just yet, but I just had to come by to see ya.

Just to let you know, each time I visit you I always see the same picture... a beautiful young girl so full of life with eyes that could melt any heart. Jane, that’s the way I’ll always remember you. That short summer, I’ll always treasure and hold your picture in my heart.

Jane, I’m so sorry you never had a chance to really enjoy life… I’m sorry I never had a chance to know you past that one short summer, but then again you may not have wanted anything to do with me after you had grown up… for with your beauty you could have had any guy. Sundra did tell me once that when she would talk to you, you would ask about me from time to time.

Life is so short and so fragile, but who knows that better than you. What for twenty years or better you were confined to the mercy of others to wait on you. How I wished you had had a chance to raise a family… My brother told Mom one time that my baby girl looks so much like you. She has long black hair, brown eyes and she also has a dimple just like you had.

Well pretty lady, I just hope someday that you will remember me and that short, short summer and when I walk thru the gates you will be close by to greet me…

Oh yes, one other thing… your stone reads “Plain Jane” … Dear Jane… there was nothing plain about you… if you had been just plain Jane I don’t think I would have saved your image in my heart for so many years…

The Old Home Town

For twenty years of my life this little town was what we call our 'home town'. Small as it was it, it was always a busy little place. I can remember the Dime store where I used to spend what seemed like hours looking at the toys the Western Auto store where Mom and Dad got my first bike, the barber shop where I got my first hair cut. The car dealer ship where I got my first car...

I went back this weekend to visit my Mom, Dad, and brother. We went over to our little 'home town' to see the street fair. It's so sad to see the thing I grow up with slowly fading away. The drug store where we used to stop on Sunday afternoons to get a Coke along with everything else has now closed.

I regret my kids never had the chance to know the little town the way I did.