Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Holidays Once Again

Here it is Thanksgiving already... I don't have a clue where this year has gone, but it sure has gone by fast.  My Little McKenna is almost 5 months old already and Mary called me yesterday afternoon all excited telling me that she had rolled over on her own.  The little first things like that mean so much to us.  I was watching a video Sunday with Gage.. he liked looking at his Mom when she was a little girl... and so do I... it's fun a to sit and watch the video of the girls when they were small and it also kinda hurts.. it makes me think of things I really don't like to think about... TIME... and how fast it gets away from me.  I look at the Grandkids and see how fast they are growing and think how fast I'm growing older.  There's nothing I can do to stop it, but yet I can't stop worrying about it.  I can't seem to enjoy the "NOW" for thinking about the "LATER"... I know this is so crazy and if I could I would really like not to think about it.  I think the holidays have a lot to do with it... I'm off from work and all I do is sit around here. What on earth will I ever do when and if I ever retire? I'm afraid I will really go over the deep end.... hahaha ... Next Tues will be a big day for us and I'll post something about it then... Well for now I'm going to close and see if I can find anything to do today to keep my mind from going to the dark places that get me upset...