Love is the condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own. ~Robert Heinlein
I’m not sure what has happened, but I’m finding it much harder to write now days. I think about and want to; I just can’t sit at the keyboard.
Today after lunch I went out back to be with the grandkids… Gage and Noah were running around like always and little McKenna trying her best to keep up with them and today Charlie joined in the race. I was sitting there watching them and I could see little Trent in his walker… I came in to get him and his little face lit up like the sun. He and I sat and watch the others running around and every time McKenna would get close he would just smile. He loves his big sister.
Watching the kids run today made me so happy. I don’t think there’s anyway I could describe the feeling... it was just that a feeling… watching the little ones that only a few months ago couldn’t do anything on their own are now beginning to venture out… it very so slow, but they are doing it…
The quote is so true… my happiness is when my girls and my grandbabies are happy. The picture of the web… we are family… we are woven together like this web…