Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Days - New Days

I've found a radio station that plays the old music we listened to back in the 70's.  Talking about going back in time... Back then our biggest worry was if we were going to have enough gas money to ride the streets of Prentiss all weekend... That's all we did was ride from one end to the other.  The old street was paved with bricks and I think we had 3 maybe 4 red lights.  When we passed someone we knew we would blow the horn... and you know what we enjoyed ourselves.   I think I always had a car load with me... What ever happen to those simple times.. How did we grow so old so fast?  I wish my girls could go back in time just for one weekend and see.   
Every now and again an old song will come on that makes me think of something that was going on.. like the song 'The Day The Music Died' ... I was sitting outside the courthouse waiting to get my drivers license.  Happy carefree times.  Guess it's true I'm getting old... hahaha
There's something else that... it's my photography.  When I look at an object I can't explain it, but I see things that I think others don't.  Maybe I've just got a warped mind, but when I see a stand of dead trees there's just something that reaches out to me... now I may pass the same stand days latter and there's nothing.   I've seen some of the pictures here on the internet where the photographer tries to tell me it's 'fine art', but having cars and power lines in the shot for me kinda kills the 'fine art' thing... I look at their work see what people say about it and wonder what I am doing wrong... I could see the picture I posted here hanging on an office wall... I just don't understand... maybe that's the problem... I JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND... 
I really feel that sometime the right person is going to come across some of my work.. until then I'm going to keep shooting... Really I shoot for ME... I like it and like I've said before.. when the day is done if I'm happy with what I've done... that's all that matters.  RIGHT? I think so...