Friday, September 11, 2009

9-11 (8 years out)

Sunrise this morning 9-11-09
9-11-2001 -- Eight years ago today we watched in shock as we watched the planes crash into the World Trade Center towers. We watched as innocent workers died and then police, fireman, and EMTs lost there lives. I can not imagine what those that lived the event felt. I knew that day that the world I woke up in would never be the same and yet there are those out there that believe that the CIA has done things that they should be punished for. Not me, if anything I think they should have done more and gotten more info.. if it comes down to some terrorist or my family… well guess who is going to lose… There’s not place in battle for bleeding hearts… and we are in a battle every day and I’m all for keeping my little family safe at all cost.

On Sept 11. 2001 not only were the Twin Towers falling; things closer to me were falling also. It’s amazing how we can remember the smallest of things when there’s hurt involved. I guess it’s true what they say, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger..

9-11-01 – I’ll never forget that day or the days that followed… for a lot of reasons.