My Little Charlie is a month old today and I’m very happy to say he’s growing like a little weed I think. Lauren told me the doctor got on to her for holding him so much…. I never knew you could hold something you loved that much too much… He is loved very much by his Mom and Dad. I’m happy to say that all my grandkids are so loved and well taken care of.
Once a word has been allowed to escape, it cannot be recalled. ~Horace
(The term word may refer to a spoken word or to a written word, or sometimes to the abstract concept behind either. ~ Wikipedia) - what it doesn’t say is how “words” can hurt one. I was always taught if you can’t say something good – well then maybe it’s best to keep it to yourself. I don’t like being told how things should be done because of the fact that’s the way it was
previously done …. We are our own person and we do what we feel is right within our own self. Others I’ve talked to don’t seem to have the problem or maybe they are nice enough to keep their feels to themselves. People that live in glass houses really shouldn’t be throwing rocks at others. I feel we all have a lot of glass around so what do I do it just take it and let if fester because I don’t want to hurt anyone. Yet, I hurt the most important person of all when I do this don’t I. What do I do? Well I try to forget, but for some reason my brain just loves to pick at that the scab on my heart… just like a when we were kids and we would get scraped knees… we knew if we picked at it, it was going to start hurting again, but what did we do??? Same way with my heart… it really made me feel bad to hear over and over had this wasn’t right and how it should be done. There are times I wish I could just disappear and leave all my worries and hurts behind, but this would mean leaving the things I love most, my children, and that’s never going to happen. All this just because someone couldn’t do what I was taught many years ago and that is if you can’t say something good… don’t say anything. It’s best at times to keep your ideas just to yourself.
It's just one of those days when you try to look forward and there's very limited opportunities if any… and I start to question myself… what’s it all about – what’s it all for? I’ve done everything I can and still I feel like I’m being left behind. There are some things I never expect people to understand and maybe this is just one of them.