Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wilted Soul...

It's Thursday afternoon and I'm just beat... It's not that things at work has been that bad... it's just a tired I can't seem to get over... it's like my very soul has just wilted and dried up.   I've gotten to the point that I don't even know what I want anymore... it's not that I want to give up... I can't explain it this afternoon as bad as I need to I'm finding it so hard to put words to it today.  I'm feeling like 'what's the use?'... 'when will it be my turn to have something' to 'get a break'...

I'm just not getting anywhere here this afternoon... kinda the story of my life now days... I just want to feel good again... to laugh and enjoy life... my hurt is on many levels... so don't try to say this or that... and time isn't a friend... I don't care what anyone saids...  

I hope if anyone reads this they want understand... for if they do I know they to are hurting also... and that's something I wish for no one....