Saturday, August 27, 2011

What is a Paw Paw?

"You're more trouble than the children are" is the greatest compliment a grandparent can receive. ~Gene Perret

A Paw Paw is a Dad that is given a second chance to spend time with the most precious things God could ever give us… our children and grandchildren. Back when the girls were small things were hard… money was short and it’s like all I did was work. It’s not that the girls ever wanted for anything, but I think in a way they may have missed something… me being there more and not worrying about so much how we were going to be able to afford the next box of diapers or if there was going to be enough to pay the light bill with…

To me now being Paw Paw means being able to spend time with my grandbabies and not worrying so much about those kinds of things. It means going to the mall and being able to help the girls buy things for the kids. It’s rocking little Charlie, showing little McKenna new things, Noah calling me just to say ‘Hey Paw Paw’ and Gage playing little jokes on Paw Paw before I take him to school. It’s hearing the girls laugh and talk and most of all it’s about me loving them and them loving me.
 If it had now been for my Mom and Dad times would have been a lot worse and I’ve never forgotten that and never will. I must say they were some of the best teachers I ever had.

Yes it’s a second chance to give of my time, of myself a chance to do all the little fun things all over again with my grandkids. Today was one of those days. I went shopping with the girls and I got to spend time holding Charlie and share my milkshake with McKenna. Little things that I took for granted when Lauren and Mary were little girls. Yes, God is good and I thank Him so much for giving me my 3 girls and now all my grandchildren. I do enjoy the noise on Sunday over here… the crying, the ‘Paw Paw I want to go outside’, and all the in between.

I must say being Paw Paw is a good thing to be and I promise I want take the job lightly.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Happiness is...

Happiness is the feeling you'refeeling when you want to keep feeling it. ~Author Unknown

I had one of those feelings today for sure. Lauren and Charlie came over for lunch today and while Lauren ate Paw Paw rocked little Charlie and he smiled at me for the first time. Then there was little McKenna… while she was in her highchair I would talk to her and make a funny face at her and she would make a funny face back. She just makes my day when she holds her little arms out for me. It will be no time and they will be like Gage and Noah… all grown up and able to do things on their own and be to big for Paw Paw to rock anymore. So I’m going to treasure each second I have with them and rock them as much as I can and maybe someday when they have grandkids they will tell them about how I would take them in my arms and run around the yard after Gage and Noah. If they can remember but one thing about me I would hope it would be that I spent time with them and enjoyed every second of if. Time is the most important thing we can give our children.