Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Noah --- my key to the future

You're looking at my hopes of the future. My youngest Grandson Noah. At 14 months old, I wonder what things his little big eyes will see in his life time, but right now he's happy just to see his PawPaw.
Noah is now walking, kinda like an old man, but he's up and going. Yesterday afternoon I went to the soccer field where Gage was praticing and played with Noah while Melissa worked with Gage. Noah and I walked up and down the road by the field the whole time, his little hand holding onto my finger part of the ime. I told Melissa and Jonathan that I bet he would sleep good last night. I know PawPaw did.

I call Gage and Noah my 'Little Buddies' and that's just what they are. It's really impossible to tell someone without Grandkids how you feel about them, but there's just this special love you have for them. Maybe it's the fact that we're older and in someways have more time to give the 'special time' that we couldn't spend with their Moms and Dads. Maybe it's the fact that we are getting older and we know now what's so important and it's not all about trying to get ahead all the time. Maybe it's the fact that we know that after we are gone a part of us will go on into the future, a part of us will live on and the memorries we make for them today will be passed on to their Grandkids. Thus we live on and on.

No matter what or how you say it Grandkids are so special. This is not to say my 3 girls aren't special to me... God knows they also mean the world to me.
On another subject.... Remember a few post back I was writting about the couple that wanted pictures while she was pregnant? Well a friend/co-worker went to her baby shower this past weekend. She was takent and shown Kylee's new room (for when she gets here) and Wanda said in the room was about 8 or 9 of the pictures in a frame in there. Wanda told me that she said everyone wanted to know where she had the pictures done. You have no idea what this did for me yesterday.

Well it's almost 5:30am so I better get up and start getting ready for my day at the hospital. Oh well it could be worse... I could be in the hospital...

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