Monday, September 22, 2008


What a morning I've had... I've dreamed all kinds of weird stuff. First I dreamed we were going down a street and a coffin on a stand came rolling at us. I just knew it was going to hit the car we were in, but some how it missed us. I turned back to look and it had turned over and was just laying there on the ground upside down. Then I dreamed I was going to be shooting a wedding at my old home church. I was over there looking the church over on my jeans and tee-shirt and it was almost time for the wedding. Then I got to talking to the Groom, who I have no idea who it was. Next a little girl had found part of my background stand down by the road all bent up. I got to looking for the rest of if and coundn't find it. Then I got to looking at myself and decided I needed to get some dress pants and shirt on. So I went to Moms I guess and my buddy from work was there .... I couldn't get dressed for anything... something kept happening so I couldn't. I was so glad to wake up.

I just wonder what makes us dream things like that... I've heard it the minds way of doing a memory unload. I don't know, but I sure wish I don't have anymore mornings like that. I'm so tired from running from here to there this morning... hahaha

Well I've got to get a move on this morning. Melissa is bring Noah over at 5:30 for me to take to daycare. She has to go in early this morning.. ;-(

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