Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last 2008 Sunset

This is the last sunset over the Pascagoula Beach for 2008. I wanted to end the year shooting pictures of the beach.

All and all 2008 was a good year. I got go the the PPMA Convention and meet Hanson Fong. Joined the Mobile Camera Club. Shot my first sunset beach wedding with Debbie. Lauren and Lane got married. Noah started walking.

This past spring I lost my little Maggie. Melissa had gotten her before she finished high school and when she and Jonathan got married little Maggie just stayed with Daddy. I guess she was 13 or 14 years old and bless her heart she had lost her eye sight, but she never let it stop her. Sometimes she would get excited and bump into things and if I were talking to her and move away she would still be looking at were I had been. The thing I loved about her most was that no matter what, she was always glad when I got home.

Today was the last day for Claudia. We wished her well on her retirement and we hope the best for her. After you've worked with someone for 32 years they become more like family not co-workers. It's not going to be the same anymore for us that worked with her for so long. I remember when I hired in she was out on leave with her new baby daughter April. Now in late Feb or early March, April will have a little girl.

Looking forward to 2009--- What will this New Year bring... Mary will finish high school in May and Gage will start kindergarten in Aug. What will my job bring about? Will I retire in 2009? I'll have 33 years in... I really would like to get 35 years before I retire. I wonder how my photography will go in 09? So for Debbie has about 3 or 4 weddings to shoot and I'm going to be shooting Erica's wedding in June. Wow.. all the kids are no longer kids...

Well with just over 6 hours left in 2008 I'll close out the year and wish all of you A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Monday, December 29, 2008

It's back to work today

Well here we are with less than 3 days left in 2008. I'm going back to work today after being off for 2 weeks. Oh God, I just know there's going to be e-mails and phone messages… oh well I'm going to take it one thing at a time.

I've really done well these past 2 weeks. I didn't do much and I didn't get to go the Mobile Cemetery as I had planned to shoot some. A lot of the days were just bad (weather wise) while I was off. For once I really just enjoyed being around here doing nothing. I think Lucy and I may gave gained a couple of pounds. Lucy isn't going to know what to do with out me here today.

Christmas has come and gone and even Christmas this year wasn't as bad as it has been in the past. Gage got a camera and I must say he is doing very well taking pictures. With him starting so early with a camera
there's no telling where it may take him. If it only takes him out on trips with me... well then the camera has done well.

I went up to see Mom and Dad Friday and Melissa's family and Mary came up Saturday to see them. Mom and Dad could not get over Noah. Aunt Pat and Traci came down and Gage and Brooklyn had the best time running and playing up there.

The picture for today was taken up at Moms. It's just a ragweed that has gone to seed. I tried some other shots, but they didn't turn out like I was hoping. I've got to get a better handle on my B/W pictures. They look dull... I've posted a message on the Canon Forum and I've gotten a few comments on what to do.

Well I'm about to get up and to get a move on here. The first couple of days back are always BAD... hahaha

Friday, December 26, 2008

Just a Memory Now

Christmas 2008 is now just a footnote in our life. I hope there's something about yesterday that will live on within us for the rest of our days. I got to be with the kids and play with Gage and Noah. I may not remember everything about yesterday but I will always remember the feeling of being with family.

Melissa said Gage was so excited over the camera Santa brought him. He, Gage, sat beside me and showed me all the pictures he had made yesterday morning. What a joy maybe, just maybe I can instill just a small piece of my love for photography in him and as he grows we can share the joys together.

Talking about photography, the picture today was shot yesterday about 3pm down on the Pascagoula Beach pier. The fog was so heavy as you can tell you can't see past the end of the pier. Made for some very unusual pictures, well I think so anyway.

I saved the WII for Mary to open yesterday morning over here. She was so excited. I think she had more fun watching me than playing it herself. Melissa, Jonathan, Gage, and Noah came over yesterday afternoon and played. Gage was good at it. Melissa tried to play, but the boys want let her do much. Every time she would try to play one of them would start up. No matter had hard Jonathan tires the worse they cry for Melissa. I know it's hard for her to think now, but in no time they will be grown.

I'm about to get ready to go see Mom and Dad for a couple of days. I enjoy being there but I hate the trip. I just got where I don't like to ride.. well this isn't totally true... I just hate the trip having to drive alone.

Well I think Christmas 2008 was great. We were all well... and this is the greatest gift we could wish for. I hope you can say 'I enjoyed Christmas 2008' also.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Morning 2008

This is how Christmas Morning 2008 looks out of my back door this morning. There's a heavy fog over the lake this morning and that only helps add to the to silence this morning. I couldn't sleep this morning for thinking back on Christmas pass... I can still hear Melissa easing into the bedroom to tell us Santa had come and wanting to wake up Lauren and Mary. Was it really so long ago? I sit here this morning about the same time they used to get up to check on Santa... The old walls still echo the sounds of Christmas past for me... I can hear the sounds of paper being torn, the little high voice of delight from that one special present Santa left. All just memories of another time a time that I will always hold dear.

Yesterday I got to experience a little of that child wonder with Gage. I was showing him the Santa Tracking website and his little eyes were bright with excitement. Oh to have that feeling once again and for a moment I felt that child wonder and enthusiasm.

Now this morning with just Lucy sitting here with me it's kinda a let down. I want more than anything to feel something other than what I feel. I'm feeling what I hear... do you hear it... it's the sound of silence --- the absence of sound--- and how loud it it here this morning.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve 2008

So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
John Lennon

Here it is Christmas Eve 2008, looking back all I can say 'is where did the year go?'. It's been a good year I would say. Lauren and Lane got married.. (I spent a lot of money), Mary was excited about turning 18 this year and Melissa finished her BSN at USM. Noah started walking and Gage starting spending the night with GeeGee on Friday nights. As for me, my photography work did ok. I didn't get rich, but I was able to pay for my gas to and from the few shoots I had. Over all I think I made a few families happy with my work. I was asked for some of my work to be given to 2 libraries to be put on display. I can't tell you how this made Mom feel and to me that was worth more to me than anything. Things at work this past year has been pretty good, Chip and Toni moved into our section. This was something I had been pushing for, for sometime. On another note there was also some sad moments at work this past year. Just weeks before Claudia and Jim were to take their family on an Alaskan cruise there daughter-in-law was dx with cancer. This put a whole other twist to the trip for the rest of the family, but they did go and for the most part had a good time. Now come December 31, 2008, Claudia is going to retire for good to go home and attend to her parents. I've worked with Claudia for the 32 1/2 years I've been with the hospital system. We've going to miss her.

Well I just checked the NORAD tracking site and sure enough Old Santa is out and about already. At 6:00am our time this morning the he is in Luganville, Vanuata.. in other words along way away from here yet.

I remember when I was small we would be watching TV on Christmas Eve and about 6pm the local channel would have what looked like a break into the show and give an update on where Santa was. I remember being so excited. To have that child like wonder once again. I guess in a way I can have it again, through the grandchildren and oh how much fun it is. Now that I think about it. it may be more fun being PawPaw and seeing Santa, because in a way I can help insure Santa is real and help teach them what Christmas is really about.

So this is Christmas And what have you done... well John Lennon... I've done a lot. I've laughed, I've cried, I've glimpsed world through the eyes of a 4 year old, I've felt the unconditional love of my grandsons... John Lennon what more could a person want?

Oh yes, the picture for today is my other little grandson... hahaha --- This is Brody, Lauren and Lane's baby. We did this shoot Monday night while I was over there. I for on know how Lauren and Lane feel about Brody because when Ginger and I got married we got a little dog and named her Shanna. Where ever we went Shanna went also. When Melissa was born Melissa and Shanna fought all the time.. Shanna just didn't like not being the baby.

Well I'm going to go for now. Later on today I may post notes to Gage and Noah about where Santa is... but just in case---


Saturday, December 20, 2008

Christmas - I feel you

I feel you Christmas
I know I've found you
You never fade away
The joy of Christmas
Stays here inside us
Fills each and every heart with love

Faith Hill
Where are You Christmas
It's something how God gets his message through to us. This morning I had a reality check. I was reading a message from a Grandmother talking about getting to bring her new Grandson home from the hospital. Having being born to early his little life was touch and go for a while and for months the only world he knew was that of Doctors and Nurses. It made me think of Noah's first Christmas last year and how happy I was to have him home and out of the hospital.

We all have our special Christmas past I know. I've got a couple that I hold close to my heart. One Christmas that was so special was when Melissa was very young. Times were hard and money for Christmas was something we really didn't have, but we were going to make sure Melissa had a Christmas. Here again God came through for us. The apartments we were living in needed some work done. We worked in an off and on rain to earn Christmas money. That is one Christmas that I'll always remember and as I look back that was one of the best Christmas' I remember.

Another Christmas that stands out was when the house we were renting burned. It was just a couple of weeks before Christmas. We lost pretty much everything, but people come from all over to help us. Our church just couldn't do enough for us. This wasn't the best Christmas for us, because of the fire, but yet it was good because of the people that showed us they carried... They didn't talk about Christmas they demonstrated Christmas.

So five days from Christmas let's not talk Christmas lets demonstrate Christmas. If it's nothing more than opening the door for someone or maybe just a warn smile and kind word. But let’s not stop six days from today... Let’s keep Christmas in our hearts all year.

I wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and I hope the New Year brings us new and bigger opportunities.

Friday, December 19, 2008


Yesterday I saw these two planes flying over and it came to me that this is kinda how I feel, like lines that do not intersect or meet. The kids are grown now and they have their own roads to travel. Don't get me wrong... I'm so proud and glad for them only want the best for them.

I guess it has a lot to do with the time of year also. It's like every year at this time something happens that causes me to worry. Well this year is no different. I guess as we get older the more we worry and the more we look for things to worry about. What can we do?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Into the Shadow

Good morning.... Here we are just a week away from Christmas Eve. I bet Old Santa is getting his last minute changes in on little girls and boys that he had gotten bad reports earlier in the year. I sure hope he's changing the status to GOOD. I know I've put in a good word for Gage and Noah... and as for their Mom and Dad.. well I'm going to give them a thumbs up also. hahaha

Into the Shadow... this came about because this is kinda how I feel. I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just like I kinda live in the shadows, just on the verge of being the photographer I want others to see me as. I've looked at hundreds of images and mine are just as good, yet I want take the next step to move forward. I stay in the shadow just out of the light of what I could be and I do not know why.

I try to look at things with a little different view. When I'm shooting for a client, myself, or as a second shooter I'm always looking for that one spark of emotion. I'm always watching for the shot that in time will remind people of a time and place that was so dear to them and will bring a tear of joy to their eyes. To me this is what photography is all about. Stopping time for one fleeting second and being able to relive it years later.

I am so lucky to have friends in the business that are willing to help me and other friends that encourage to move forward. To all of you I say THANK YOU.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Melissa's Day

Yesterday was Melissa's day, she got her BSN from SOUTHERN MISS. Melissa worked hard to accomplish this. Working full time as a surgical RN, having one little boy and then being pregnant and having another. Noah, the baby, was in and out of the hospital so many times during the first year of his little life, but some how Melissa kept it all together, family, work, and school. It's this that makes me so proud of her... she never gives up.

I've never seen her without a smile and my best days at work are when I get to sit and have lunch with her. I love hearing her talk about her work.. well maybe not her work but the way she talks about. It's her passion, her love of and for the patients. That's what I hear when she talks to me.

My girls, all 3 of them are very special and dear to me. To say that I'm more proud of one over the other is not true. Each is their own person with special talents and I love them for it. What I'm most proud of with all 3 girls is their love for each other and the willingness to step up and help each other.

Yesterday, Dr. Betty Siegel, was the guest speaker. She talked about her parents being coal miners and how proud her Mom was of her and her sister. Dr. Siegel talked about the last time she saw her Mom and she, her Mom, made the comment, 'we must have done something right'. That's kinda the way I feel this morning, I had nothing to do with what my kids have or will accomplish in this life, but I do feel like we did something right.

Melissa, Lauren, and Mary... You are only limited to what can do ONLY by the limits you put on your dreams. Girls DREAM for the stars... set no limits and always know you are loved. Remember, when you try and do not succeed, do not think of this as failure... this is God telling you to chose another path. Failure is when you fail to try.. I know.

Melissa... you did it baby... you where given the chance and you seized the moment...

Love you Melissa, Lauren, and Mary

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What If

It's an ugly morning out today, but I don't have to go to work so let it be ugly... hahaha I know it was bad going and coming from Hattiesburg late yesterday afternoon. I rode up with Melissa to get her cap and gown for Friday. Melissa will be getting her BSN. To say I'm proud of her would be a very understated statement.

Last night was the first time I had been on the campus of USM in over 33 years. It felt so strange. I could not see any of the old places I remembered. Everything had changed. There were so many more building on campus now. Riding on campus last night I kinda got the feeling of -- what if --- but the what if would have lead me down a different path and even thro my path isn't covered with gold what I have is worth more than gold, but for just one fleeing second I just had to think --- what if.

Back to the real world this morning... the picture for the day was taken Monday morning. The sunrise was so pretty (very different looking), but I wanted to show it in a different way. Our lives aren't always pretty colors sometimes life is more a mixture of grays. Not black and not white, but tones for grays. To me and maybe only to me I like the b/w picture from Monday. For the most part I've always liked B/W pictures and I hope over time my B/W's will become better.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Where Indeed

Where Are You Christmas
Faith Hill
Where are you Christmas
Why can't I find you
Why have you gone away
Where is the laughter
You used to bring me
Why can't I hear music play

Mary told me that she did have a good birthday yesterday. She was so supprised by her coat. That just made my day. After we had her little party I just came home and crashed. There wasn't anything I wanted to do and besides it was pretty cool out.

Today is one of those day's that you just remember for a number of reasons. It was on this day, a Sunday, that Pearl Harbor was bombed. "I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant.", Japanese Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto.

It was also on the date in 1986, also a Sunday, that my Granny Lee passed away. I remember the morning as if it were yesterday. We had gone up for the weekend to see Jasper, who was just 2 weeks old. I remembe Mom calling over to Genes and telling us. Gene was out back cleaning off some old bricks he had gotten and was stacking them. I guess there's just somethings you can't get out of your mind no matter how hard you try.

Oh yeah, I got online this morning and ordered some more camera stuff from B&H. Not much, but a couple of little things I have been wanting. Saturday I'm going to help Debbie shot a wedding so I may take what I make there and order something else.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

How Fast They Grow

December 6, 1990

Dear Little Bit,
HI! I think this is it. Mom's having a lot of pains this morning. We got up at midnight. It's cold outside. Mom said my driving was REAL bad! :-) Going to go check on Mom.

The Doctor just left. I asked about a time and he said around 6 maybe. He said your hear beat was good and everything looked real good. Said that you were going to be a BIG BABY.

I'm looking out the window watching the sun start to come up. It's pretty cold outside. The doctor is checking on Mom now. There are a few clouds out over the beach, but other then it's going to be a pretty day to have a BIRTHDAY. :-)

8:00am --- SHOW TIME
They just took Mom back. I'm ready and waiting for the nurse to come get me. Mom is having problems with the Rx. It's not working.

Mary Kathryn enters our family. You came into the world with a small cry, but with a lot of fight. ;-)

Here we are 18 years latter-----
Mary, Lauren(the Bride), Melissa

This is just a part of what I had written that morning. Keeping journals has always been something I've done. Look back at this, this morning I'm glad.

I remember all my co-workers waiting in the hall as the nurse brought Ginger and Mary out. I made sure that Melissa got the first look at her new sister. I remember Oscar, Bobby, Toni, Wanda and Raymon being there. Back then Raymon and I were the youngest in the department well time has a way of changing that. Both of us are now looking at retirement.

These past 18 years has just flown by and one may ask why did I post a picture of all 3 girls and not just one of Mary? Very simple... the girls are a set.. one that cannot be broken. Melissa and Lauren would fight over who would get to hold Mary. I never really can recall a time when they were really mad at one another for more than a day.

Mary has been luckly to have sisters like Melissa and Lauren and they in turn are luckly to have Mary. As for me.. I feel like I'm the luckest Dad in the world.

Mary Kathryn--- I want you to know that I LOVE you with all my heart baby. From that morning 18 years each day with you brings me happiness. I hope today is a very special one for you and that you too will keep little notes like I did and someday pass them on to you children so they can pass it on... I hope the chain is never broken, but more links are added.

Happy 18th BIRTHDAY my BABY GIRL...
Love ya,

Friday, December 5, 2008

Looking Back

William Charlie Lee
December 05, 1903
Happy Birthday Paw Lee

I sit here this morning thinking about that Saturday 105 years ago and the chain of events that brought me to this place and just thinking that if just one event had changed or never happened I may not be here.

Grandpaw was the oldest of 5, 1 sister and 4 brothers. To say they had a hard time of if would be an understatement to say the least. Some how they made it through the hard times and he and Granny raised 2 sons. Dad being the oldest.

Grandpaw was, for the most part a quiet person, except when it came to politics. Maybe that's why I get up on my soapbox.

I do remember him plowing the cotton with an old mule like in the picture.
I can remember when Grandpaw wound come in from the field for lunch he would tie the mule off under the shade tree. After lunch he would go out on the front porch, which he always called the "gallery", and sit and smoke his pipe. Now he would not sit in a chair, he would sit on the the floor with his back against the the wall and just relax. He knew what hard work was and wasn't afraid of it. Those are genes he and Granny passed on to Dad.

The things he and Granny saw. The hard times, lossing 2 children at birth, Dad being in combat in Korea. I can see Grandpaw being in the field plowing and the mailman stopping at the mail box. I know he had to wonder if the mail was a letter from Dad or if it was bad news about Dad. No matter what staion of life you are in, we all have or have had the same kind of worries.

I remember a story that Mom told me about Grandpaw one time.. back in the 50's play dough only came in one color and that was pink and also bubble gum was the same color. Well for some reason Grandpaw picked up some of my play dough thinking it was my bubble gum. I don't know what he was thinking or just what he may have said after he tired it.. hahaha Little things like that only makes me see him as more of a real person.

One more story that's all I promise... When I was learning to drive the old truck and I mean old, if was a 1949 FORD we used on the farm, Grandpaw and I were going to the store using the back roads. Well all the roads up there then were back roads... anyway the intersection I had to stop and turn on to was at the top of a hill. If you've never driven you really want understand what a problem this can be for a new driver and on driving an old truck at that. Well at the top of the hill when I tried to trun on to the road the old truck went dead. I could not get the thing started for the life of me... I just could not do the clutch, break, and gas all at the same time. Finally after tring 3 or 4 times Grandpaw laughed and got out and got us going. Back when I was teaching Lauren to drive my standard shift she had the same problem. I couldn't help but smile and think of Grandpaw that summer day many years ago.

Although Grandpaw has been gone since 1984, I never pass the old home site without thinking about him or Granny. Some would say Grandpaw was tight with his money, but again Mom has told me that then things were bad Grandpaw would always have a little to help out. I never remember him buying himself anything, but I think when it came to us he would do anything. I feel like he knew what a dollar was and what it took to make one. I think he knew that maybe tomorrow the sun want be a bright and it's important to have a little put away for those dark days. I think I got some of that from him also. I do buy a few little things for myself, but for the kids and grandkids it doesn't matter... I'll get or give them anything I have.

I just hope there is life after we leave this one and I also hope Paw Lee can see what he has left behind and he can be happy knowing that a part of him lives on today. I regreat that my girls and now my grandsons never knew him the way I did, but maybe thru things like this he will be more than just a grave marker on a hill.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

A Rare Sight

It's a rare sight I've read to see all 3 like this. Jupiter and Venus are the small pinheads of light down in the right hand corner. This was done Tues night about 7pm. I wish I had been able to get a picture Monday night while I was helping Lauren get her Christmas tree. All 3 were close together . Oh well, they say wait around another 40 years and we'll see it again... Well who knows... I'll only be 93 then.... hahaha

We're going to celebrate Chip's birthday today at work. Tomorrow he turns 40 and we just can't let this pass without some fanfare. Chip is just one of those that you just have to enjoy being around. He's funny and a hard worker. I'm so glad he wanted to be a part of the report writting team. It's been a big help to me.

This weekend, starting tomorrow, holds a lot of emotions for me. More about this as the weekend progresses.

This week at work... I ask you this.. WHY DO I TAKE OFF?? hahaha --- I know when I take off my request for special reports are going to go through the roof and sure enough that's all I've done these past 3 days. I've been working 9 or 10 hours a day trying to get back on top of things. Once I get everything done guess what... I'm going to be off a week at Christmas... I've made my mind up... I'm not going to let it stress me out. I'll take the request as I get to them and when I'm done.... I'll be done and I think today I'll have everything finished and I'm going to take tomorrow off.

Well that's about it for me today. I really need to work on the baby pictures I did last week so I can get them to the parents , but in order to work on pictutes I have to be in the picture mood. Here the last week I really haven't wanted to work on pictures... now shooting pictures is another thing. I will do that at any time... it's the post production I don't like.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cold Morning

It's cold out this morning and the temp is dropping, so again I went back to in my archives to find a warm picture.

Melissa called me yesterday morning telling me that she had to bring Gage out to the E/R Sunday night. She told me that he woke up crying with his ear hurting. Even after she put drops in it the child was still hurting bad so they came down. Melissa said that it had been over 3 years since Gage has had this happen. When I talked to her late yesterday afternoon he and Noah were running around the house. I asked her who was chasing whom... Noah thinks he can do anything Gage can...

Just as I have figured, yesterday at work was something, but I did what I said I was going to do... I took one thing at a time and didn't let it stress me out. Over the next day or so I'll get everything back to running normal.. (what's normal??) I don't know what the users are going to do when I do retire. I'm kinda like the one stop shop for all their reporting needs. Oh, I know things want stop... I've seen it many times... things may slow down for a bit, but it never stops.

Here's another one of those stories from YAHOO news that just makes no sense to me what so ever.. what has the world come to?

NYPD: Passenger kills bus driver in fare dispute By MARCUS FRANKLIN, Associated Press Writer Marcus Franklin, Associated Press Writer – Tue Dec 2, 1:08 am ET
NEW YORK – A man stabbed a city bus driver to death over being denied a free ride, then escaped on foot Monday in the first killing of an on-duty New York City bus driver in more than a quarter-century, authorities said.
The man got on the bus in Brooklyn shortly after noon, swiped an invalid fare card, sat down and asked for a free card to change routes.
The driver, 46-year-old Edwin Thomas, told him he couldn't get a transfer because he hadn't paid; the attacker then punched him and stabbed him in the torso in front of other passengers, police said.

When will people learn that there is no FREE... someone has to pay for it and this driver had to pay with his life..

Well it's off to work for me... I am one of the ones that understand the NO FREE RIDE rule.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Back to Work.... OH NO

Today is the day I've been dreading for over a week now... time to go back to work.... For the most part I really enjoyed my week off for Thanksgiving, although I didn't do anything. It's kinda hard to enjoy yourself when all you do is worry about the work that's going to be waiting on you when you get back. To make things wrost today is Dec 1... end of the month reports will have to ge done today also, but you know what I'm going to take my time and not let it stess me out today.

For the life of me I do believe the world, or I should say the people in the world, has gone completely MAD. This article in the YAHOO news just shows what we as people had come to.

AP - Sat Nov 29, 11:48 AM ETSent 34 times
NEW YORK - Police were reviewing video from surveillance cameras in an attempt to identify who trampled to death a Wal-Mart worker after a crowd of post-Thanksgiving shoppers burst through the doors at a suburban store and knocked him down.

This young man lost his life because people wanted to save a dollar... and what really hurt me that the article went on to say NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP THE YOUNG MAN. Is this is what Christmas has come to? Here we are talking about the birth of Jesus and in the process we stomp a young man to death without any remorse.

I fixed lunch for the kids yesterday and after lunch I was showing Melissa a book I ordered for Gage to go with his camera. The title of the book was something like Fun Things To Do With A Camera--- for kids... or something like that. Anyway Melissa told me that Gage would like it, but that Gage didn't like to just take any kind of picture. She said he would look for shadows coming from objects. I couldn't believe it... the child is looking for things that most people never think about. He may be the artist I always wished I could be. As I said before, Meslissa tells me that all Gage talks about is going with PawPaw to take pictures... Melissa said he wants to get up early and get sunrise pictures. I can think of nothing better in my life than having is little boy wanting to be with me and doing what I love doing.

In the dark times I feel all I need to do is think about this... and the darkness in my heart turns to a bright and warm light. I can't forget my little Noah... only 16 months, but yet he has his way of getting to me also. Friday I went to get him out of his set and he reached up and gave me a big hug.

I hope all goes well at work and in a couple of years I can retire so I can spend time with them. Maybe it want be long and I can and will have that business partner to help me have a business and one that I would love to leave to.

Well as bad as I hate to... I've got to get up and get ready to go to work... I've just got to remember... do one job at a time... do one job at a time... hahahah

The picture today was shoot Friday.... I'm trying something new...

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time Well Spent

An Old Barn we shot yesterday

I spent the day with the boys yesterday. Melissa had to work so Jonanthan came by and got me and we went. I told Jonathan about this old barn I wanted to get a picture of, but because of where it was and the amount of traffic I never could stop to take a picture. So, yesterday Jonathan just drove slow and I was able to get a half way shot.

We went to the pet store in Mobile so the boys could look at the animals and that was a mistake... hahaha .... Noah was putting his hands in the fish tank. I couldn't help but to laugh so we got them up and went over the Bass Pro Shop. There were so many people there we really couldn't enjoy looking, but Gage had a good time walking up and down the stairs behind the waterfalls. I must say Noah and Gage were both very good.

I hate to think about it but my vaction is almost over. I sure hate having to go back to work Monday. I know my desk is going to be a mess and on top of trying to get everything done from last week Monday is going to be the first of the month. Why did I even take off??? hahaha ... I sure enjoyed being off and I'm looking forward to my week off at Christmas also.

Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving Afternoon 2008

Thanksgiving 2008 is a fleeing memory now. Like so many things in our lifes we plan and look forward to it and then in a second it's come and gone.

I can't and want complain because I saw first hand today when I had to make a special run to the store. There I saw and older man buying one of those meals you just heat up. He looked as thro he was all alone in the world. He was unshaven and just had that look. Right then I realized just how luckly I was. Our family, by most standards may be a little strange, but we maintain it as a family unit.

I can think of nothing wrose than not to have my children are even wrose my children not wanting to spend time with me. I think this would be the wrost hurt in the world.

The girls all put their order in for me to cook... cornbread dressing, peach cobbler, and banana pudding ( and it was NOT the banana pudding out of a box eather). hahaha

It's my hope that something we did today, they will remember years from now... maybe it will be the walk we took after lunch or Gage will remember that he and I took a walk thur the cemetery.

I would say all and all today has been a very THANKFUL day... I got to see and be with my kids and there's nothing that makes me happier.

Passing of Time

"Everything beautiful has its moment and then passes away." --- Cernuda y Bidon Cernuda

Here it is Thanksgiving 2008. WOW... where has the year gone?

As I sit here this morning I can't help but think back to the Thanksgivings of my childhood. I remember the families getting together at Granny Roberts. When I close my eyes I can still hear the sounds and smells of the day. It was truly a day of fun for us kids and as we got older it was a full morning of hunting. Oh it would be so cold outside, but Jeff and Iwould put on layer after layer on to keep warm then Dad and Uncle Leroy would take to the woods. It's hard for me to believe that was over 40 years ago. I surly miss Jeff and Uncle Leroy.

It was on Thanksgiving morning 22 years ago and about this time of the morning that we got a call from Mom telling us that Carla and Gene had a little boy... Thomas Jasper Lee. We were getting ready to go see Granny Carrin that morning. Things you remember...

Today I am thankful for my family the ones with me here and those who make their home elsewhere. They are all so special and I wish we could all be together today like we were 40 some years ago.

Today I am also thankful that I've got a little money to spend on Christmas.. after what I read yesterday... well all I can say is if you're a able body.. working 40-50 hours a week... get ready... hold on to your a$$.... 'the man has spoken' --- Obama says he'll have economic plan on his 1st day -- AP - Wed Nov 26, 3:43 PM ET CHICAGO - President-elect Barack Obama pledged on Wednesday to have an economic plan ready for action on the nation's financial crisis on his first day in office. "Help is on the way," he declared. ---- LET THE GREAT GIVE AWAY BEGIN. --- and while we're at it let's also do this--- let's blame everything on President Bush---Bush's Last Days: The Lamest Duck Wed Nov 26, 10:05 AM ET -- Bush's disappearing act during the economic crisis is a fitting coda to a failed presidency. I am so sick and tired of everything being blamed on this one man. I feel like President Bush has done the best he could... Who remembers oh no BA!!S Jimmy Carter... talk about a failure or Clinton... that was 8 years of nothing but women chasing at our expense...

Ok, I'm getting down off my soap box and going to start cooking. I just hope I'm wrong about the next 4 years, but never while a Rep was in office did we have a cut in pay at my job. NOT so with so with the Dem.... just think about that... May God watch over us...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby Kylee

This was my real first BABY shoot last night. I'm not as pleased as I would have liked for a number of reason. My biggest problem is CONTROL or maybe I should say the lack of. I tend to lose control and then I have a hard time telling people what to do. This is something that I've got to over come. I've got to understand I'm NOT TELLING someone what to do, but more of directing and this is something they really want. I understand this, but understanding and being able to do it is two entirely different things. I am working on this and I'm getting a little bit better.

Looking back over last night I see so many things I should have done differently. I'll take last night as a learning experience. Deep done I feel like I can do it.. I did it here at the house all day.

I think being comfortable with your location has a lot to do with the shoot. Well, to tell the truth I don't feel comfortable doing loctation shoots like last night. I have to run in set everything up and work in a space that's somethings way to small or maybe cramped is a better word. I'm just going to have to get my house fixed up so I can have people over here for the shoots. That way I can have the lights set up and have all the exposures set without feeling rushed.

The little couple I was working with... I just think they are the best and I want them to have the best possible pictures. I think there were some good shots, but I feel like I could have done better... I can do better... I will do better.

Like I said, I'll take last night as a learning experience and move forward.


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Falling Leaves

Have you ever watched leaves falling and then try to single one out for a picture? It's not easy.... I guess the neighbors thought I had lost my mind if they were watching me trying to take this picture. This was taken a week or so ago while I was just sitting here watching the birds at the feeder. I got to watching the leaves turning and tossing about as they fell to the ground. If one would just sit and watch, there's all kinds of things to be seen, but most days we are so busy and tied up in our own little world that we can't see the big picture. This is such a shame.

This past weekend I got to vist with two of my cousins. It was so funny the things we remembered as children and spending time with Granny and Grandpaw Roberts. Everything we remembered and talked about was very simple little things that made such an impression on us. We were talking about an old store that Grandpaw would take us to, Jean said she remembered the old drink box and how cold the drinks were. Me, I remembered the smell of the place. I really can't describe the smell, but it was one of those that just made me feel good.

Of course the old place is now gone. Like so many of the childhood places that I remember. They, like the leaves I was watching, have fallen to the ground and are no more. Yet sitting and talking with Jean and Angie Sunday brought the old places back to life once again. What fun it would have been to be to take my children and grandchildren to these old places. Let them see first hand the little stores ...the little Mom and Pop stores that was that was America... where the store was up front and the living quarters were in back. The old wood floors at creaked as one walked about the old screen doors that were there to keep the flies out and nothing more. When you walked in it wasn't the 'Welcome to Wal-Mart' kind of greeting... it was "Hi Eugene how's Alberta and Ida doing today???" .... What a time.. If I had just known how special that time was then maybe I would have appreciated more then.

Falling leaves... Look at the trees as they are full of leaves and enjoy them... for it want be long until the leaves fall and the tree will be bear.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Up Early

I just knew there were so many people out there that wanted to see a shot of the moon from Pascagoula, MS at 4:30am ... so I got up and got a picture for ya. hahaha.. yes this is really the moon at 4:30am today.

For some reason 3am is the magic time for me. I wake up and can't get back to sleep so I just get up about 4 and get online to read the news and to read the Canon Forum to see what new pictures and comments others have made.

I went up to see Mom and Dad Saturday. As always they were so happy to see me. Mom had ask me to print some pictures for the Columbia-Marion County Library and we took them down there. So now I've got 6 prints hanging in 2 libraries. I've got 3 haning in the Prenitss Library. Five of the pitures depict life here on the Pascagoula Coast. If nothing more ever comes of it, it made Mom so happy to see some of my work hanging were others could see it. I could never ask for nothing more.

I' m going to be off all this week... my God what was I thinking... hahaha... I'm afraid I may go CRAZY. Today I've got to get online and look at pitures others has done for babies. I'm doing my first big baby shoot tomorrow and I want everything right. I'm thinking about buying another light maybe 2 before long and a couple more softboxes. Maybe someday my grandkids will want to get into the business and this would be a big step forward for them. Right now Gage likes to draw and color, and some of the pictures he shot in Disney World had a lot of thought put into them. It wasn't just a point and shoot .... he saw something in a way that others had not seem and he captured it... just like he told his Mom.. 'I'm just like PawPaw'.. who knows what he may do with photography.. and again it may only be a hobby... eather way I want matter to me.

I wanted to get out and shoot some pictures while I was at home, but the weather yesterday was just so ugly out I didn't even try. There's some old building up there I really need to shoot before something happens to them and the image is lost forever. I've just got to stop putting things off and start doing and not just talking.. Easier said than done for me...

Well I'm going to see if I can find any baby shots on the web I like.... I just need some good fresh ideas... I want something that really stands out... I'll be sure to post some pictures of the shoot...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Day - New Light

Yes, it's the moon as it's nights journey was almost done. I like to post pictures of something I've seem the day of the post or at least something I saw the prior day. This was shot this morning at 5:30am..

You'll just don't know how zany I can be. hahaha .... I enjoy seeing the world around me through the lens of my Canon cameras and even more, I enjoy sharing my vision of my little part of the world with others.

Yesterday was one of those days one wishes had never happened. I just felt as thro the whole world was just falling down on me. Today is a new day and my walls have been re-built... stronger and taller. I will not be defeated.

This time next week I'll be up cooking part of a Thanksgiving dinner and I've got so much to be thankful for this year. Noah has been well for most of this year.. last year (his first months of life) I was so worried about him. In and out of the hospital so much. He's growing so much and one of the best things is that he loves his PawPaw and PawPaw loves him. Gage is doing well, he likes to color and when he and I sit down to color together I'm reminded of the times when I was very young and my Granny Lee and I would sit by the fireplace and color. Very simple things that ment so much to me back then ... now I get to carry the legacy forward to my grandkids. How much better can it get?

FedEx dropped off a gift from Santa last night.. I just hope Mary still believes in the Old Fellow... I sure would hate to keep if for myself... I don't know that I could even use if given the color she asked Stanta for.. hahahha (hot pink)..

Well I've got to get a move on ... I've got a desk load of work to do today, because after today I want be back until Dec 1..... what on Earth am I going to do being off a week like that...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Grandkids -- A Funny

Before I forget and this little funny and it is lost forever I wanted to write it down.

Friday night, at Jonathan's birthday party, Jonathan was telling me about Gage getting into trouble and having to stand in the corner.

Jonathan told me it upset Noah and that Noah went back there where Gage was and patted him on the back, then went and stood in the other corner.

What ever Gage does Noah does... and they pretty much never let each other out of sight. These little boys are just something... I hope they will always be as close as there are now for every.

This picture of Melissa, Gage, and Noah was taken by Jonathan while they were at Disney World. I can't believe I don't have a picture of both boys together. I've got to do something about that...

Well, it's not as cold as it was yesterday at this time... the morning sky is clear and there's a big half moon looking down over us this morning... and I've got to get a move on so I can get to work...

Monday, November 17, 2008

Santa has been Shipped

It's pretty cool outside this afternoon so I've posted a picture I shot back during the summer to try to make me feel warmer. Well I had to try anyway.

Wow.. I just let Lucy out and the sky has such a pretty, different color to it this afternoon. It has a blue / pink hue. I've never really seen it look like this. I tried to get a picture and we'll see how it turns out.

Had the kids for lunch yeserday... well all of them but Lauren and Lane. His Mom wanted them to come over and eat with them. While we were eating Lauren called and told me that someone had cut the locks on Lanes lawn equipment and taken all but the real big stuff. I have nothing for people that does something like that... I can think of nothing to bad for them.

Today I got to eat with Lauren and Melissa... Little things like that just makes my day. The girls are something that's for sure.

When I got home I had an e-mail letting me know that Mary's Christmas had been shipped and it should be here by the end of the week.. I hope she will like it.. Ole Santa tries...

Well I'm going to get moving here .. this picture doesn't do justice to what I saw about 15 minutes ago, but you get some idea of what I was talking about.

Sunday, November 16, 2008



Went to the Renaissance fair yesterday and I'm afraid I was somewhat disappointed. It wasn't as big as I was expecting and there weren't as many actors as I was hoping. Guess I was expecting something like the old Fall Muster at Beauvoir where Confederate Soldiers had camps set up everywhere and ladies in period dress and Confederate soldiers walked the grounds. There were a few of this yesterday, but nothing like what I was looking for.

I enjoyed the jousting because it was done at speed. The fencing was done very slow so people could see the moves and this was very boring. It would have been much better if they had done this once or may twice and then have them fencing at speed. I'm afraid I didn't like this part of the show.
There were a lot of people there yesterday and I'm glad I went. Not sure I'll go back again. After going I don't think it's my period of time. The Civil War period is more the time period I enjoy or maybe it was the friends I made when I was a part of the reenactments.

Here's a couple more pictures from yesterday...

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Grandkids --- what a joy

Taken at Disney World Oct 2008, by Melissa

I think one of greatest joys, other than rasing my own 3 daughters, is watching my grandchildren grow up. I enjoy seeing and watching their eyes as they do something new for the first time. Everything being new to them and so excting.

Yesterday was Jonathan's birthday, so we had a little party last night. When I walked through the door little Noah came running to me and put his little arms around my neck and gave me a big hug. That's what it's all about. This is something that must be earned.... the love and trust of this little boy. It's something no one can force him to do. This is love it it's most purest form.

I'm very luckly to know how it is to have parents and grandparents that loved you. I got to spend all my childhood around my grandparents. I truly miss them as much today as the day they left this world. I wish they could see the legacy they left and the impact they had on my life. I'm doing all I can to keep their memory by telling my girls and grandkids about them. I just hope some day that my grandchildren will look back and smile when they think of me.

Time has such a way of just slipping away. Here it is almost Thanksgiving and Christmas is just a few weeks more away. I'm afraid I don't make the best use of my time and every day I regret something I didn't do the day before. What's really makes me feel bad is the fact that I've reached my peak and now I've made the turn and it want be long I'll be in the home stretch.

All my life I've always wanted to be a photographer. I don't know what the problem is. I feel like my work is good and that I know the tech part of it, but for some reason I just can't get the business. At lest 2 or 3 people as asked Lauren about me shooting their wedding, but I never hear anything back. I was so hoping to maybe retire from the hospital at 35 years and open a small business. Now I think it's just one of those dreams I have..

While I'm talking about photography.... Gage is beginning to enjoy it. I've got to get some of the pictures he made at Disney World and post them. What really got me was what he told his Mom, Melissa.... Melissa told me that Gage wanted to take some pictures and she gave him the camera and he looked at her and said, "I'm just like PawPaw".... These few words just made my heart light up... Never think they aren't watching you... their little eyes see everything and hear every word.. Guess what Santa is going to bring him.... you guess it.. He's going to get a real camera so he and I can go shoot pictures together....

Well I'm going to go for this morning... the wind is blowing hard outside and the temp is falling. Looks a lot like rain... oh well didn't have much planned anyway.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Dreams Again

I knida felt like this picture was me last night. The dark edges and light center. I truly hate nights like last night.

The dreams were back last night. It felt like every time I would go to sleep I was being transferred to another place and time.

I was around people I had not thought or since I was in high school and in some of the dreams I did not even know where I was or who the people were.

In most of the dreams I felt like I was in some kind of danger, that something bad was about to happen to me or the people I was suppose to know in the dream. I remember one part where I received a phone call and the caller told me something like... 'I told you not to let him go in there' .... I remember it was my cousin who I haven't seem or talked to for years the caller was telling me not to leave him alone. I had this feeling of dread... that something was going to happen. It all felt so real.

The other dreams I can't remember as clearly, mainly because there wasn't anyone in them that I was suppose to know I guess.

Maybe it's stress... maybe it's the fact that the holidays are almost here. The fact is I don't like the holidays. Guess there's all kind of reasons for this, but I just can't stand them. It's the most depressing time of the year.

Well it's off to my real nightmare (work) ....hahaha

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Again -

Shot this picture yesterday while out with Jonathan and the grandkids, Gage and Noah. Jonathan said he thinks it's whats left of an old tugboat. As one can see Fall is coming to South Mississippi. The leaves are beginning to fall off the hardwood trees in places. This place was so pretty and I only carried my long lens so I couldn't really get the shot I was wanting.

I'm not looking forward to today at work. I've been gone for a week and I know the e-mails are there waiting on me. Well there're just going to have to wait.

I think I wrote that I had been out to Texas for a Pharmacy Reoprt writing class. The class was good and I enjoyed it. Guess what I liked best about it was just getting away for a few days.

Yesterday Melissa, Jonathan, Gage, Noah, and Mary all ate lunch with me. This was the first time I've cooked lunch since before Lauren got married. I had forgotten had hard it was to get everything done and on the table by the time church was out.

After lunch the chruch was giving Lauren a shower so Melissa and Mary went back up there and Jonathan and I took the boys riding. Jonathan likes to take me on the back roads and show me things like this old boat. To say the least it was fun having the kids over and spending time with them yesterday.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Back Home

NO PICTURE????... it's been a long 4 days...

After being gone to Dallas, TX for 4 days, I'm back home. Three of us went out there for a Pharmacy report writing class. I enjoyed the class and enjoyed just getting away for a few days.

When we go there for class we always eat way more than we should I know, but it's so good. I think what I liked about us eating at a different place each night was that I was with friends. We talked and laughed and just had a good time. As much as I wanted to get back home to see my kids.. I didn't want the trip to end. Ending would mean coming back to an empty house. I enjoyed talking over dinner...

I don't know why I write all this, but as I write I feel better.... so please just bear with me.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Time Change - and Times are Changing

Well just let me start by saying I HATE THIS TIME CHANGE.. I fell like I've been up for hours and it's just now 6:30am and the it's going to be dark by 5pm today.

Today is Melissa birthday. My little girl is 30 today and looking back I just can't believe how fast the years have gone. Boy, 30 years ago this morning I was so afraid. Afraid then about how to be a Dad.. today I'm afraid that come Tues the world as we know it is going to fall to bits. I worry about my grandkids... what this will mean for them and I know it's not going to be good. I'm so over this giving to the those that will not to work yet go to the mail box each month to get there check. The ones that have babies because it pays more. If things go the way I'm afraid they do Tues working people like me want stand a chance in hell anymore. It's going to be the GREAT GIVE AWAY.. like nothing we've seen since the L.B. Johnson years. The bad thing is there's little that people like me can do. I did all I could do.. I did vote early because I'm going to be gone Tues on business. Until we can get people to get over this 'YOU OWE ME' crap we've headed downward. The only thing anyone ever gave me was a chance to prove myself. It wasn't easy, but I did it... it was hard work, but hard work never killed anyone.. look around.. who is killing whom??? Young people that DON'T work... that would rather lay around all day doing drug and making babies they have not intent on rising. The hand writing is on the wall... this nation is gone and I'm afraid come Tues our faith will be sealed. Maybe not... I forgot ... we want have to pay in taxes if we make less than $250,000 right??? YEAH.. who do you think pays for all the cars, babies, drugs, health care(the very best health care also) ... it's sure not the rich... it's the people like me that gets up every morning and goes to work and gives the government almost 50% of my check. Think about it... if you have insurance and come to the hospital they get you in and out because the insurance only pays so much... you come in with nothing you stay as long as needed... God forbid you can't pay like the people that works to pay insurance... You can't help it that you got shot will trying to rob someone that was WORKING...because you needed drug money and while we're at it let's put the WORKING person in jail for shooting you.. I'm sure they violated your rights some how. As I stated before... this nation is gone and I worry about my children and their children.... I'm afraid they want have a chance.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Crazy Dreams

My dreams are like the keys in this picture. Very sharp in places and so out of focus in other parts. I hate that, even if it where just a dream I still would like to see it all in focus. Like this morning... I was dreaming I was off on some kind of trip and was talking to someone and I never got a name, but yet we were talking like we were old long time friends.

Now of all things to remember, I remember being told by one person that we may not be allowed to get off the plane in Jackson or we may be met by the U.S. Marshall Service ... I think this came from Gunsmoke playing on the TV this morning. What gets me is why Jackson, why was I with people I have no idea who they were, and why can't I remember names?

I know it was only a dream, but they seem so real and I really wish I could remember this one persons name.. maybe the name was never spoken. I know dreams mean nothing as to what the future holds, but in a way I would like to think that maybe something like this could happen... meeting someone.

Just a dream... my mind wondering off into space.... hahaha

Friday, October 31, 2008

Last Bit

Halloween ... the last day of October... Where has this year gone?

It's been such a pretty day today. I've been out working on a gate I've been trying to fix forever and I think I've got it this time.

I went and got a new hard drive for my PC so I could backup all my pictures. The backup drive I had died on my last weekend and I've been on pins all week afraid the main drive would crash. Oh gosh if that had happened I would have been so sick. I did burn all my special pictures to DVD's last weekend, but still I wanted more backup. I guess it goes from working with computers for 32 years... you learn that they do crash and at the worst possible time.

I've also been working on some photography this afternoon. I'm going to get this fill light stuff yet. One of members on the Canon Forum told me when you have bright back light to UP my flash power and when the background is dark LOWER the power.. Sounds backwards right, but the more I studied it and tried it ... it's right and after going over it and over it I see why it works.

The butterfly picture here was shot at ASO 400 / f16 / with flash +1. I think it looks pretty good and the histogram shows all the peaks in the right places...

The little butterflies are out today in this pretty weather getting the last bit of food they can. My flowers are all but gone now. There's just a few left and the butterflies are all over them. Next year I hope to make the garden larger. As I get older I enjoy the little simple things of life more like just sitting and watching the butterflies and the little birds playing in the bath. Strange when we are young we can't see the simple beauty in things like that.

Well it's really been a great day. Most days I really don't like being around here, but today I've been busy and the day has passed by pretty fast...