Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Into the Shadow

Good morning.... Here we are just a week away from Christmas Eve. I bet Old Santa is getting his last minute changes in on little girls and boys that he had gotten bad reports earlier in the year. I sure hope he's changing the status to GOOD. I know I've put in a good word for Gage and Noah... and as for their Mom and Dad.. well I'm going to give them a thumbs up also. hahaha

Into the Shadow... this came about because this is kinda how I feel. I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just like I kinda live in the shadows, just on the verge of being the photographer I want others to see me as. I've looked at hundreds of images and mine are just as good, yet I want take the next step to move forward. I stay in the shadow just out of the light of what I could be and I do not know why.

I try to look at things with a little different view. When I'm shooting for a client, myself, or as a second shooter I'm always looking for that one spark of emotion. I'm always watching for the shot that in time will remind people of a time and place that was so dear to them and will bring a tear of joy to their eyes. To me this is what photography is all about. Stopping time for one fleeting second and being able to relive it years later.

I am so lucky to have friends in the business that are willing to help me and other friends that encourage to move forward. To all of you I say THANK YOU.

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