Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Dreams Again

I knida felt like this picture was me last night. The dark edges and light center. I truly hate nights like last night.

The dreams were back last night. It felt like every time I would go to sleep I was being transferred to another place and time.

I was around people I had not thought or since I was in high school and in some of the dreams I did not even know where I was or who the people were.

In most of the dreams I felt like I was in some kind of danger, that something bad was about to happen to me or the people I was suppose to know in the dream. I remember one part where I received a phone call and the caller told me something like... 'I told you not to let him go in there' .... I remember it was my cousin who I haven't seem or talked to for years the caller was telling me not to leave him alone. I had this feeling of dread... that something was going to happen. It all felt so real.

The other dreams I can't remember as clearly, mainly because there wasn't anyone in them that I was suppose to know I guess.

Maybe it's stress... maybe it's the fact that the holidays are almost here. The fact is I don't like the holidays. Guess there's all kind of reasons for this, but I just can't stand them. It's the most depressing time of the year.

Well it's off to my real nightmare (work) ....hahaha

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