Sunday, February 21, 2010

Days gone by-- Remembered

What a difference a day makes.. yesterday was clean and sunny all day.. looks like rain today.

Friday night I went to Biloxi to buy an art pen.. driving down 90 at night is so different than 6 years ago.. I guess what really upset me was passing by Beauvoir.

Well Friday night passing by the old house all those things came rushing by... it was like my mind was in overdrive.. The old house looked good, but to know I would never walk the grounds again and it hurts. Things were said, sides were drown and the battle started. Now, as it was in the 1860's, it was friend against friend. Long time friendships were severed in a flash. There's one thing they can't take from us and that's our memories for the good times. The times we stood shoulder to shoulder to defend what we felt was right...

So much of Beauvoir is now gone for me now and it's not the house I'm talking about it's the soul of the place... I've lost my feelings for it in a way, but there's still that little tingle I feel for the good times there when I pass her... I can almost hear the laughing and talking.... Good times they were.

'Old times dar am not forgotten;
Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixie Land. '

The lust for power destroyed more than Katrina....

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