Saturday, April 25, 2009

WHAT ???

Yahoo News --- 04/25/2009
Associated Press-GfK poll taken in October 2008, just before Barack Obama won the election, found that just 17% of Americans thought the country was headed in the right direction. Today, as Obama's 100th day in office approaches, that number has jumped to 48%.

Just who did they poll?? I can get do a poll of 1000 people that can't smell and they will tell me that S*$# doesn't stink... and get figures like this... does this make it true???? I think not...

Sure if I were in the hand out line I would sing his praise also... but I WORK.. I PAY TAXES… things are not good... plants are closing over day… people that WANT to work are out of work and those that chose not to work just sit back and sing songs of joy... it's a great life... my checks keep coming in...

Things are not as good as he that thinks he can walk on water would have the foolish to believe… THINGS ARE BAD AND GETTING WORSE…

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