Saturday, October 11, 2008

Laruen's Wedding Day

Well today is the BIG DAY... my little girl is getting married. I've been awake since around 3am this morning thinking, hoping and wishing.

Thinking about now time went by so fast.. how my little girl grew so fast.

Hoping that I've been a good Dad and that Lauren has learned something from me that she can pass on.

Wishing her new life will be full of joy and happiness.

Looking back this morning I see a little girl running around with silver teeth... playing in the rain.. hiding on the floor of my old gold car so her friends wouldn't see her... hahaha.. What I see is my little girl... now just look at her all grown up. So pretty... and I'm so proud of her.

As life goes I've made many mistakes, but one thing I've never done was to miss a chance to tell my girls I Loved them and today isn't going to be easy for me. Letting your little girl go is hard no matter what people tell you. The good thing is that I'll walk Lauren down the
aisle today and I want give her away, but I'll get another son.

NEVER... NEVER think that if someone sees a tear in my eyes today that I'm not happy, I'm very happy for Lauren and Lane, but one must also remember...

Love you Lauren,

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