Saturday, August 23, 2008

Dustin - Hero

As I do most morning I sit here in front of my computer and read the on-line home newspaper. Not my local paper, but the newspaper form Jackson, Ms... The Clarionledge. Being from a small town just south of Jackson I like to keep up with the news from up there also I read the obituaries.

Well this morning was somewhat a slow news day and the I was luckily not to see anyone I knew in the obituaries, so I did a search in the obituaries for Lee. Just wanted to see if someone had passed away from up home and I didn't hear about it. I came across a name that I didn't know, yet I had heard it before. It was Corporal Dustin Jerome Lee, USMC. Dustin was killed last year in Fallujah, Iraq and was coming home to be laid to rest in Stonewall, MS. This young man was only 20 years old that's only 2 years older than youngest daughter.

I did a Yahoo search to see what I could about this young solider and ran across this Then I knew where I had heard of this young man and Lex.

I never knew this young man or his family, but like so many families my heart just broke when I read about him. Today so many people call sports players heroes... these people can't stand and never will stand with the likes of Dustin and all the ones before and the ones after. I don't like the idea of war, people being killed, but I'm glad there those that are willing to put their lives on the line so I can sit here and write and go and come as I please. These are the TRUE heroes.

I want to visit Dustin's grave and just sit and say THANK YOU son.

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